Letter to All Stakeholders: Introducing the Church Framework: An Opensource Framework for the Church


By ChurchFramework Team

Letters to the Stakeholders: Remembering the Words of the World's Leaders and Founding Fathers

Friends, Media, Concerned People, Policy Stakeholders, Government Bodies, Security Agencies, Faith Communities, Humanitarian Organizations, International Communities, Distinguished Leaders, Faithful Religious Leaders, Abrahamic Faith Communities, Community Leaders, People of all Languages, and Defenders of Faith and all stakeholders

We have not come with the strife of tongues or the weapons or words of war, but we have come in the spirit of wisdom, of counsel, and of humanity to bring the conversation forward into the ever-listening ears of stakeholders and the abled hands of action-driven fearless leaders who would uphold public safety and preserve humanity.

Regardless of our backgrounds, creeds, or faith, it is in times like these that humanity unites to add our voices to public discourse, especially when the fate of humanity is being threatened and lives are being eroded slowly.

Our country's founding fathers and notable presidents have made significant statements on the importance of faith and unity. Here are some relevant quotes to reflect upon:

Lee Kwan Yew: "I have always believed that a multi-racial society cannot afford to allow the religious practices and beliefs of one community to encroach on those of another."

Thomas Jefferson: "Our civil rights have no dependence on our religious opinions, any more than our opinions in physics or geometry."

Benjamin Franklin: "Here is my Creed. I believe in one God, the Creator of the Universe. That He governs it by His Providence. That He ought to be worshipped."

Winston Churchill: "All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope. These stem from the teachings of the Bible."

Mahatma Gandhi: "Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is."

Theodore Roosevelt spoke about the role of the church in communities -  "A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education." and "In this actual world, a churchless community, a community where men have abandoned and scoffed at or ignored their religious needs, is a community on the rapid downgrade." - Roosevelt spoke of a live and active church fulfilling its purpose, not a dead church preying upon lives. Also, human beings are spiritual and will always seek spiritual experiences, hence,  humans will always gather to worship, it is however important for the church to bring safety to the forefront and be held accountable where she falters.

Nelson Mandela once said. "Religion is one of the most powerful weapons in the struggle for social justice." and "Without the church, without religious institutions, I would never have been here today." Mandela's statement is the reality of many politicians today, and rightly so, there's nothing the church cannot achieve when she walks in her calling and purpose: Love, Unity, Justice, Goodness, Instruction and Correction, and Discipleship. Mandela's acknowledgment of the church being part of his success story is the story of many politicians today.

However, we must not turn a blind eye when the church errs. We must admonish the church. Leaders and government authorities have been raised higher than the church authority by God Himself and this is found in the Scriptures.  Hence, the church must also submit to the government, leading by the example of Jesus Christ, the head of the Church.

The Church Framework

The Church framework has been developed to ensure safety for all. Some of the transcripts in the original interviews have been localized into other languages - English, Spanish, French, and German. Thanks to the volunteer teams who have remained faceless,  fearless, and technology tools.  

Our Approach

Our approach is not the warfare, hate, or strife of tongues.  Our approach is to engage on matters with the spirit of wisdom and of counsel and exchange ideas with relevant stakeholders and authorities.

We invite everyone to take a look at the Church  Framework as the beginning of the architecture and solution that we will come to need to bring accountability, justice, and a culture of openness to the church.

This framework aims to:

Establish clear guidelines and systems to ensure church leaders and members are accountable for their actions.

Advocate for fair treatment and justice within faith communities, addressing any forms of abuse or misconduct.

Create a culture where transparency and openness are valued, allowing for honest communication and trust-building within the community.

Together, let us work towards a future where faith communities can thrive, fulfilling their purpose of supporting and uplifting humanity.

We have presented the available data, with actionable insight,  now what will you do about it? 

The Church Framework Team